Taking on a new challenge after next week

At the end of next week I am taking on a new challenge. Its something I have never tried before. That’s right, I have to move on. Wait…no….not that….I am talking about how I take vacations. Every time I have taken time off in the past, I have gone somewhere. My last few vacations I have spent in Vietnam, Cambodia, New Zealand, Croatia, and other great spots around the world. But this time I am going to try something new. I am going nowhere!!! I am just going to stay in Amsterdam. I am going to be able to do all the things I have been wanting to do here. But I don’t want to just sit on my ass and stare at a wall. So I am trying to come up with a list of things I want to do. I will have plenty of time since I have pretty much the entire month of December. So here is my list so far. Its in no particular order other than the order they came out of my head. Now some of this may look like work, but it isn’t. I just happen to have a job that covers the topics I genuinely enjoy working on.

OK, so I think I may have a bit more to do that a single month will allow. But that may be a good problem to have.