Posting what you can do and what will kill you

Kathy Sierra has a recent post about how nice it is to see a sign that tells you to do what most signs tell you not to do. There is a sign at the entrance to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney that asks you to please DO walk on the grass. Thats a great sign. But in that same city I saw two signs that were very different on my last trip there. Both had a common theme: don’t do something, but if you do, you’re dead, but if you survive you will wish you were dead.

The first was at the Sydney Aquarium. The hotel I stay at in Sydney is the Sheraton Four Points Darling Harbor. Its a crappy hotel, but it lets me add a bunch of nights to my Starwood Platinum membership and its far cheaper than the 450 or so Australian dollar per night Westin up the street. The aquarium is almost next door and is a very nice facility; combined with the wildlife center next door, it makes for a great way to spend the afternoon. Anyway, above the crocodile enclosure was this sign:


If the fall does not kill you

the crocodile will


below that was a nice visual of a croc chomping on a falling human. Nice!!!

The other sign I saw was across the harbor towards the ocean. There  was a great sign that warned me that I would probably die from the fall. If on the off chance I actually survived, then I would have to pay someone to get me out.